DermLinks Image Map
DermWeb Image Map

DermLink Selected Annotated Links
Selected World Wide Web Resources of Interest to Dermatologists (*)

* Lui H, Shapiro J. Does a practicing dermatologist need to use the Internet? Med Surg Dermatol 1997; 4:219-222.

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Site Comment
Anatomy of the Skin Electron microscopy of normal skin.
Botanical Dermatology Database An electronic version of Mitchell & Rook's classic volume Botanical Dermatology. This is an excellent resource for plant-related dermatoses and treatments, and includes pertinent references.
Contact Dermatitis Home Page A detailed database of contact allergens and patch test reagents, with references.
Cutaneous Drug Reaction Database Cutaneous drug eruptions are searchable by both drug name and reaction pattern type. Includes pertinent literature references.
Dermatology Images An image atlas maintained at the University of Iowa.
Dermatology Laboratory Tests Detailed information on specialized diagnostic laboratory tests.
Dermatology Online Atlas An extensive online atlas of dermatologic images depicting over 500 different diagnoses.
Electronic Textbook of Dermatology A multi-authored "work-in-progress."
The Language of Dermatology A Web based program that teaches the terms used in morphologic diagnosis.
Online Mendelian Inheritance in Man Online version of the definitive catalog of heritable diseases in man.
Other Dermatology Web indexes These sites maintain links to many additional dermatologic Internet resources and are regularly updated.


Site Comment
Archives of Dermatology Provides table of contents and complete abstracts for original articles, as well as published correspondence. One-time free online registration will also permit access to the entire AMA website. Includes a search engine for accessing abstracts of past issues.
British Journal of Dermatology Provides links to a searchable database of published abstracts.
Dermatology Online Journal First completely electronic peer-reviewed dermatology journal. Recently added to MEDLINE.
JAMA Table of contents, abstracts, and links to other AMA journals.
Journal of Cutaneous Medicine & Surgery Table of contents and complete abstracts for each issue.
Journal of Investigative Dermatology Table of contents of current and past issues as well as synoptic highlights of original articles.
New England Journal of Medicine Abstracts, editorials, correspendence and advanced search features are all available online.
Lancet Table of contents and summaries of selected articles.


Site Comment
American Academy of Dermatology Meeting information, CME administration, patient information, and guidelines of care are some of the features of the AAD website.
Internet Dermatology Society This site hosts an online dermatology rounds, an electronic textbook, and several other dermatology resources.
Society for Investigative Dermatology Provides for online submission of abstracts to the annual SID meeting.

Patient Information

Site Comment
Dermatology in the Cinema This site presents dermatologic conditions that appear in movies as well as an interactive forum exploring the cinematic portrayal of people with skin diseases.
Dermatological Information for Patients Patient oriented information resources are available at many sites, including these two noteworthy locations.
National Psoriasis Foundation An excellent patient-oriented site providing up to date information on treatment and research.
National Vitiligo Foundation Patient information and research highlights.


Site Comment
US Food & Drug Administration Official news on drugs and devices.
US National Library of Medicine Provides free access to MEDLINE
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