Note: Please use the Back Button of your Web Browser to return to Dermatology Update. DERMATOLOGY UPDATE REGISTRATION FORM ------------------------------------ REGISTRATION INFORMATION ------------------------ ___ Mr. ___ Ms. ___ Dr.___ Title _________________________________ Name _____________________________________________________________ (As you would like it to appear on your badge. Note: maximum 19 characters. Please print.) Affiliation ______________________________________________________ Address __________________________________________________________ City ___________________________ Prov/State ______________________ Country ______________________________ Code ______________________ Telephone (_______) _________________________ Fax (_______) _________________________ FEES (see Registration Fees) ---------------------------- Symposium Registration..............................$_____________ _____ # Guest Tickets to Friday night reception.....$_____________ Social Program (Residents only).....................$_____________ Friday Breakfast Session............................$_____________ What the Internet Means to the Practicing Dermatologist Saturday Breakfast Session..........................$_____________ Professional Liability of Dermatologists in Canada Workshops (Note concurrent sessions) __ Typical Leg Ulcers (Thurs, 7:00 - 9:00 p.m.)......Complimentary __ BOTOX (Sun, 9:00 a.m. - 11:00 a.m.)..............$_____________ __ Venous Leg Ulcers (Sun, 9:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m.)...Complimentary ------------------------------------------------------------------ Sub Total...........................................$_____________ ================================================================== 7% GST for CDN residents/3% for non-residents.......$_____________ GST Reg. #R127493351 ------------------------------------------------------------------ TOTAL ENCLOSED......................................$_____________ ================================================================== METHOD OF PAYMENT ----------------- ___ Cheque enclosed (Payable to Dermatology International.) ___ VISA ___ MasterCard Card Number ______________________________________________________ Expiry Date ________ Name of Cardholder __________________________ (Note: All funds processed on credit cards will be in the Canadian rates quoted.) CANCELLATION POLICY ------------------- Refunds (less a $25 administration fee) will be given for cancellations received in writing postmarked no later than September 20, 1996. Refunds will not be available after this date. I have read, understand, and agree to the general conditions and cancellation policies. Signature ___________________________________ Date _______________ Please keep a copy of this form for your records. Registration will be acknowledged with a confirmation letter. Note: Please use the Back Button of your Web Browser to return to Dermatology Update. Internet Version: 25Sep96